Office Jerk

The game's very simple and obviously isn't meant to be anything more. As the title of the game states, your role as the office jerk is to hassle the office geek to death lol. throw tnt, pies, staplers and my fav coffee mugs at his dome and get him to turn around and face plant a full pie!


  • Amazon Appstore for Android Exclusive Launch
  • Toss office supplies and more at your dorky coworker
  • Keep track of your current and best score on the desk pad
  • Make him mad by scoring a direct hit for humorous animations
  • Destroy his desk, knock over items, and wipe that smile off his face

Go On, Be a Jerk
Working in an office sure can be boring, and it doesn't help when some do-good know-it-all sits across from you all day. You know the type--he runs to the boss when you do something wrong, complains when you get the last bag of chips in the snack room, or takes credit for your good ideas. No longer will you sit back and take it! Grab whatever you have nearby--a crumpled piece of paper, a mug, a shiny red stapler--and wipe that smirk off his face in this feel-good app. Unleash your interoffice rage and embrace your inner jerk in Office Jerk for your Android device.
Not Another Mundane Monday
Tired of the mundane daily routine your office has in store each day? If you've got a case of the Mondays, or if you're just tired of people asking if you've got a case of the Mondays, this app is for you. Mix things up by doing something you should probably never do in real life--hurling everything on your desk at your neighbor! Vent your frustration without risking a trip to the unemployment line in this casual game.

Objects to Throw
• Paper: Start off by going easy and hurling a light piece of paper his way.
• Stapler: This red stapler was made for throwing, and that's just what you'll do.
• Coffee Mug: Turn this simple ceramic mug into a weapon of justice.
• Pencil: Pencil pushing is for fools--pencil tossing is for you.
• Eraser: Erase the smile from his face with this seemingly harmless item.
• Pie: Satisfy your urge to shove a pie in his face and listen as it splats.
• Egg: Crack a yolk over his head as he continues to tediously type.
• TNT: Overkill? Yes. Destructively fun? Double yes.